There are a few self-publishing businesses out now that can take a .pdf file and turn it into a soft- or hardcover book for a pretty good price. If anyone is interested, I can set it up so you could order a new print edition of The Red Book, and it would cost under $25.
To: All Descendents of Myra Mayall Henrie
From: Doyl Ipson
Subject: Grave Marker -- Panguitch City Cemetery
I am writing to you about replacing the headstone for Myra Mayall Henrie. The existing marker is in horrible repair and is almost unreadable. To my knowledge there isnt a HENRIE FAMILY ORGANIZATION, so I hope Im not stepping out of line by attempting this project. Several members of the Henrie Family have felt as I do that something needs to be done to honor this great lady.
Her husband,William Henrie, is buried in Bountiful, Utah, and someone has really gone all out and put up a grave marker for him that is a marker to be proud of. Enclosed is a picture of his marker. It is 7 feet tall and 3 feet wide and very well designed. It would seem to me that we need to do something along this same line for Myra but not so tall. The Henrie Family is a large and prominent family, and if we all ban together we can do something that is nice and respectful. Im enclosing a diagram of what several of us have felt might be appropriate.
I have talked to the Cedar Monument Company, and they have told me that they can have it ready and in place for Memorial Day this year if we get it ordered right away. By the way the Cedar Monument Company is owned by the Dettamanti Family in Cedar and they are descendents of Myra and William Henrie. They are willing to give us a very good price and to donate their labor and equipment which is a real big savings and help to us.
The price that the Dettamanti family has given us is $3,200.00 installed. They will dispose of the old stone. I have priced another stone of about the same size and it is over $5,000.00.
I have opened a checking account at State Bank of Southern Utah in the name of Doyl Ipson for Myra Mayall Henrie. I had to open it in my name because we dont have a family organization and they required a tax I.D. number. Please make checks payable to Doyl Ipson and in the left hand corner of check put "Myra Mayall Henrie acct." Please send them to me, so I can keep a record of all donations. Any surplus funds will be used of finance a Rededication Ceremony, with light refreshments, to be head at Panguitch Cemetery at 1 P.M. on May 27, 2006 (Memorial Weekend). Come if you are in town.
We are hoping for contributions from each of these five families (Daniel, James, Joseph, Margaret and Samuel). It would be helpful if you would let us know which person you descend from. We have recently made contact with two people from Margarets family.
Contributions to be received before April 10, 2006. Any amount is appreciated.
Thank you for your help.